Based on Science, Custom-Built for our Clients.


Training & Development

Healthy Lifestyle Services

Morelife are trailblazers in whole system approaches and system change, working collaboratively with multiple key stakeholders, helping them understand the problem and complimenting work at a national level.

We are regular advisors to local authorities and key government bodies on how to adapt a whole systems approach in order to improve the health and well-being of our communities. 

We also provide private consultancy work for individuals, organisations and corporate enterprises on improving health in the workspace.

Our commitment to fostering robust relationships and delivering best practices collectively defines our leadership in the field.

We work with existing staff and deliver training (Having the Weight Conversation), (Very) Brief Interventions and information sessions for professionals across the system including practice teams, social and early help workers, link workers, care navigators, social prescribers, faith leaders.

Our innovative integrated health and well-being solutions are designed to deliver a seamless service that meets the needs of NHS commissioners, local authorities and other stakeholders. 

Through Healthy Lifestyle Hubs, we establish a centralised access point, delivering a holistic array of healthy lifestyle services and expert guidance.

Our innovative services encompass smoking cessation, weight management, nutrition optimisation, physical activity promotion, and mental health enhancement. They also include comprehensive NHS health assessments and specialised training for health, social, and community care professionals. 

Research & Innovation

Weight Management

Stop Smoking

Our analytical tools allow us to dig deep and find out exactly how poor health might be affecting an organisation’s productivity. We then provide support to introduce bespoke strategies that result in measurable improvements.

Our weight management programmes, supported by scientific research and rooted in proven psychological methodologies, stand out for their exceptional success in guiding clients to achieve their goals. Our approach prioritises equipping clients, rather than simply instructing them and is proven to be effective across ethnic and social demographics and for clients with complex and diverse co-morbidities.

Comprised of a specialised team including Clinical Psychologists, Dieticians, and Behaviour Change Practitioners, we pioneer new patient pathways within a dynamic landscape. Our innovative services span from psychological support for bariatric surgery to cutting-edge fully remote/digital solutions.

We empower individuals to become smoke-free by providing evidence-based smoking cessation programmes. These programmes utilise behaviour change techniques, Nicotine Replacement Therapy, and medication tailored to individual needs.

Our unique programme combines behavioural support with pharmaceutical aids following NICE guidelines. Services range from Brief Interventions to specialised support like Pregnancy, Postpartum, and Mental Health, offered online or in-person through one-on-one sessions, structured groups, and community drop-ins.

Physical Activity

Maternal Healthy Lifestyles

NHS Health Checks

Morelife offers personalised support to boost physical activity levels in inactive adults, enhancing overall well-being and quality of life. 

Physical inactivity ranks as the fourth leading risk for global mortality, contributing to 17% of UK deaths. 

The value of walking and active travel in reducing heart disease risks is well-documented, highlighting the importance of increasing physical activity levels across the population.

Morelife is excited to introduce you to our new Maternal Healthy Lifestyles service for pregnant people, our programme is taking place in Salford. This service is designed to work alongside the local maternity offer.

We provide 6 sessions, 3 prior to the birth and 3 post-natal, in addition to the option to attend friendly drop-in sessions at local community venues.

We offer complimentary NHS Health Assessments targeting individuals between the ages of 40 to 74, leveraging advanced technology to detect initial indications of health issues such as hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes, and Cardiovascular ailments. 

Our friendly specialist’s conduct inquiries into your lifestyle and familial background, conduct measurements of height and weight, check blood pressure, and administer blood tests using cutting-edge techniques. This allows us to develop customised strategies that deliver tangible personalised health improvements.