Physical Activity

Obesity represents a long-term challenge at a national, local and individual level. Suffering from overweight or obesity is commonly recognised as an increased risk factor for a variety of long-term health conditions which include, Heart Disease, Stroke, Type 2 Diabetes and certain Cancers. There is also a link between mental and emotional health and wellbeing and obesity; linked to both actual and perceived body weight and the associated stigma.

Morelife provides weight management programmes for adults, children and teens that are designed to create long-lasting shifts in behaviour and give clients the tools and support they need to achieve their health goals.

Physical Activity & Wellbeing

Morelife offer tailored support to increase physical activity in inactive adults, which can improve general well-being and enhance quality of life.

Morelife provides services that meet the needs of those who are the most inactive and gain the greatest clinical benefit from physical activity. This is achieved through an integrated, stepped and supported approach to increasing physical activity and sustaining this behaviour in the longer term.

Morelife also offers a wide range of free Health Walks for all levels of ability and different groups to ensure there are suitable and convenient group walks for everyone.

Physical inactivity in itself is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality and is attributed to 17% of deaths in the UK. Physical inactivity is not only linked with obesity but also other associated diseases and conditions and is estimated as the principal cause for approximately: 25% of breast and colon cancer burden; 27% of diabetes burden and 30% of ischemic heart disease burden. Research has shown to achieve health-enhancing benefits of Physical Activity a minimum amount is required.

Recommended guidelines for Physical Activity in adults are 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week, muscle-strengthening activities at least twice a week and a reduction in sedentary behaviour. For adults aged 65+ years, activities that improve balance and coordination should also be included on at least two occasions each week.

An insufficient proportion of the population meets the recommended levels of Physical Activity; in England, an average of 56% of adults are physically active. There is a direct relationship between the amount of Physical Activity and the associated health benefits; furthermore, the most significant gains can be made by those who are least active. Currently, a quarter of the population is not active for more than 30 minutes per week.

The importance of walking in population health has been highlighted by the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and there is strong evidence for the effectiveness of active travel either by cycling, walking or a combination of both in reducing the risk factors for heart disease and achieving health benefits of Physical Activity. There has been a 30% fall in walking in England between 1995 and 2013.