
Morelife is founded on decades of academic research and insights. 

We use an evidence-based approach to obesity, advising local authorities and key stakeholders on how to adapt a whole systems approach to healthy lifestyles in order to improve the overall health and well-being of communities. 

We are currently working on a variety of projects, helping our partners work through complex issues, to achieve improvements in public health. 

Whole Systems Approach

Tackling obesity and public health issues is complex. 

We can only tackle these issues if we work collaboratively.

Morelife is leading the way in Whole System Approaches and system change. 

Working collaboratively with multiple key stakeholders, helping them understand the problem and complimenting work at a national level. 

Positive Nutrition: Washington DC

Professor Paul Gately recently travelled to Washington DC to discuss the topic of positive nutrition. He drew upon his expert experiences from Morelife and Obesity UK, alongside his work with Leeds Beckett University.

“It was great to share the podium with world-leading experts. Collaboration and shared learning are key to improving our services.”

Professor Paul Gately, CEO & Founder of Morelife is one of the UK’s most respected experts in obesity and exercise and sits on the Parliamentary advisory committee for obesity. 

Asset Based Community Development
Working collaboratively with our partners at Leeds Beckett University, we utilise a pioneering approach to improve the health and well-being of local communities. Working with local neighbourhoods to uncover and develop pre-existing assets, strengths and connections.

“For every £1 invested in
ABCD, it can return up to
£14 in social value!”