Healthy Living Resources

Resources to Help You

Below is a compilation of some general healthy living resources.

Downloadable Resources

Physical Activity & Mental Health

Physical Activity can help your mental health in a number of ways – find out how in this infosheet. Click the button to download (PDF Document).

The Health Benefits of Nature

It’s important to spend time in the outside world. But why? This document goes into some of the benefits of experiencing nature. Click the button to download (PDF Document).

Breathing Exercise

Looking for a way to reduce stress and anxiety in just a few minutes? Incorporate this breathing exercise into your daily routine. Click the button to download (PDF Document).

How To Sleep Better

If you’re having trouble sleeping recently, you can download our top tips for how to sleep better. Click the button to download (PDF Document).


Staying On Track With Exercise

Eat Well For Less


Physical Activity

Active Lifestyles Lead Connor from our Suffolk team discusses Physical Activity and its benefits. 

Click the Play icon to listen.

Emotional Eating

Dr Sophie Edwards talks to Dr Neesha Patel about what Emotional Eating is, when it becomes a problem, and the difference between physical an emotional hunger – and importantly, how an overly restrictive diet can fuel emotional eating.


Dr Sophie Edwards talks to Sarah Knapp, Adult Weight Management Practitioner, about the different types of Mindfulness practise and how we can incorporate them into our daily lives.

Guided Meditation - Short

Weight Management Practitioner Patrycja from our Essex team leads a guided Mindfulness Meditation. 

Click the Play icon to listen.