We’re excited to announce that we’re launching our brand-new service in the neighbourhoods of Village Wards and Marks Gate in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham.

MoreLife is a leading provider in Obstetrics Weight Management (OWM), and our team of experts will be offering Pre-pregnancy and Post-natal Weight Management support to local residents.

We’re really proud of the programme we’ve put together, and the team that is helping new parents daily. Want to find out more? Then you’re in the right place.

Expert Research 

Before we explain our new weight management service, we need to explain how we created it. Here at MoreLife, research and evidence base are such an important part of the work we do.

After speaking to pregnant women, new parents, and maternity experts, we found there was lots of reasons why women and their partners were unable to fully commit to weight management support programmes. These included money, juggling multiple appointments, and confusing health messages.

Therefore, we took it upon ourselves to create an effective maternity weight management programme to help them overcome these challenges and encourage them to make healthy lifestyle choices.

What Makes Us Different 

Our pre-pregnancy-and-post-natal weight management programmes have been designed and developed to be fully digital. This helps remove those barriers and helps clients keep going with the programme. Plus, we realised there was a need to create a service for two distinct groups.

– MUMS2B – Before Pregnancy
– 4MUMS – For New Mums (up to 12-months after giving birth)

Our programme explores emotions, habits, nutrition, activity, stress, and sleep. We offer tools and techniques to help deal with social settings, health goals, and mindful eating. We also understand just how challenging it can be for new parents, so there’s an emphasis on mental health.

The Service Lead, Grace Shiplee, said, “We want this service to remind new parents they have permission to take the time to look after themselves. This way, they can give their baby the best version of themselves.”

Our Programmes in Action 

Our new service in Barking and Dagenham will offer 12-week support programmes for pre-pregnancy and flexible support options for post-natal women.

We currently offer this service in Bedfordshire & Milton Keyes and Greater Manchester. We’ve already seen the difference this kind of programme can have for new parents.

63% of our post-natal clients have achieved a 5% weight reduction. One of our programme completers said, “I weigh less now than pre-pregnancy which is great. I feel like this is a starting point to continue to push myself to be healthier and fitter.”

We’re excited to start helping local women make healthy changes at this important time in their life.

Why It’s Important

Why do we offer these kinds of services for expecting and new mums? Excess weight within this type of person is associated with many negative health outcomes. This includes an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. There could also be an increased likelihood of childhood obesity in the infant.

We want to help people that need it most. In this new area where we’re offering our service, we’re aiming to help people living in poverty. 1 in 3 children in Marks Gate lives in poverty and the village wards are among the 10% most deprived in the country. By delivering our services in the area, we can make real, long-lasting changes.

What’s Next?

We’re always searching for ways we can make our programmes better. Whether it’s through research, listening to our clients’ feedback or gaining insight from our expert team. We always want to make sure we’re doing our best to help people. We believe this OWM programme can help new and expecting parents across the country. We’ve been featured in the National Institute for Health Care and Excellence (NICE) for our pioneering research. We think this is the only beginning and we’re excited to get to work.

Here at MoreLife, we want to help as many people as possible make real, long-lasting, changes. Want to find out how we can help you? Check out our services.