Weight Management

Expert Case Review

Katie H
“”MoreLife didn’t just tell me how to lose weight, they also helped me understand my relationship with food.” “
“”I’m so much happier with myself and my body.” “

Katie didn’t realise her weight would impact her hopes of starting a family. A visit with the GP gave her the motivation she needed to start her weight loss journey. She found MoreLife and they helped her make the changes she’d always wanted to.

My weight used to make me feel like I was stuck. I struggled with walking as I would get tired quickly. I didn’t attend social events if there was walking involved, for fear of falling behind or sounding out of breath. I was in an endless cycle of feeling upset due to my size, emotionally eating to feel better and then feeling worse. I wanted to change but didn’t think I could do it.

Then, last year, my husband and I decided we were ready to start a family. The doctor advised against it due to my weight. Although I knew being overweight wasn’t ideal, I didn’t realise it could lead to so many complications. I was really upset and frustrated with myself. However, it was the motivation I needed to change my lifestyle and to get to a healthy weight.

My GP referred me to MoreLife. When I tried weight loss programmes in the past, most of them were based on cutting out certain foods or eating very little. Whereas MoreLife focused on having balance, being mindful and making small changes. All while still being able to enjoy food and life, so I didn’t like I was missing out on anything.

I lost 7 stone and 11lbs during my year with MoreLife. The changes I made weren’t sudden or big, like with those other weight loss programmes. Instead, I was encouraged to make small changes gradually. This made my progress more manageable and sustainable.


My practitioner was such a big help throughout the programme. They calculated my daily calorie intake needed to lose 1 – 2 lbs a week. They showed me how to balance this with my lifestyle so I could still enjoy going out for a meal with friends. I started being more mindful about food and started exercising regularly. My husband and I started cooking at home more, instead of relying on ready meals and takeaways. We made sure our meals were balanced using the right portion sizes.

MoreLife didn’t just tell me how to lose weight, they also helped me understand my relationship with food. My biggest challenge was my emotional eating, as it had become my coping mechanism and impacted every meal I had. MoreLife didn’t make me feel bad about this, instead they helped me to understand the reasons for it. They also showed me several techniques I could try to counter it.

This understanding gave me confidence in my ability to keep off the weight and continue with my new lifestyle. I am so grateful for the team for all their guidance with my weight loss journey.

Even though I finished the MoreLife programme months ago, I am still at a healthy weight. That is because MoreLife isn’t a diet, but it helps you understand all aspects of a healthy lifestyle and how to sustainably adapt it to your own life. By using what I have learnt from the programme on food, drink, exercise and mental health, I am confident that I can manage my weight and stay healthy.

I’m so much happier with myself and my body. I feel fitter, I no longer avoid social events involving walking as I can now keep up with everyone. I don’t feel stuck anymore, I feel free to live my life how I want to.

During her time on the programme, Katie lost 7 stone and 11lbs. Her BMI changed from obese to a healthy weight. She is now ready to start trying for a baby with her husband.

Katie H: before

Katie H: after