Weight Management

Expert Case Review

Adult female from Essex
“We all have good weeks and bad weeks, but you’ve got to want to do it for yourself “
“Now I’ve lost the weight, I’m never going back”

Julie was referred to the programme in September 2018 by a local GP, Dr Mahmud. At the time, she had a BMI of 40 and was living with diabetes. She felt exhausted and out of breath when performing day-to-day activities, and her confidence was low.

Dr Mahmud was not her regular GP and her appointment with him was completely by chance. However, he could immediately sense that Julie was not happy with her current weight and health, and encouraged her to join the MoreLife programme. In Julie’s words, “Dr Mahmud inspired me, his attitude helped spur me on, I was determined to do it!”

The encouragement she received from Dr Mahmud and the supportive group environment of the MoreLife programme helped her to achieve her health goals. Our Practitioner also found that Julie responded well to the calorie counting method and to using My Fitness Pal as a way to track her calorie intake.

Julie says “my fitness pal is brilliant, you can find everything and anything on it. We all have good weeks and bad weeks, but you’ve got to want to do it for yourself.”

Through her hard work and positive attitude, Julie has lost just over 20kg in 9 months and now has a BMI of 31. Julie now has more energy and feels that her fitness has improved. Clothing for Julie has also changed. As she has gone down in size, this has also opened up more options when shopping and she is a lot more confident.

Her GP has seen big improvements in her cholesterol and her diabetes, with significant reductions in her Haemoglobin Ac1 level compared to ten years ago. The diagram below shows Julie’s HbA1c dropping from 68mmol in 2009 to 45mmol in 2019, with her lowest readings measured from September 2018 to February 2019, whilst on the MoreLife programme. Julie’s insulin has now been reduced by 30%.

Above all, her GP is pleased with how positive Julie is about her weight loss journey, and the improvement in her quality of life. Julie says “attending MoreLife is definitely worth it. If I can do it, anyone can do it. Now I’ve lost the weight, I’m never going back.”

Julie: before

Julie: after