Weight Management

Expert Case Review

Managing My Weight Programme
“He made successful changes which ultimately brought about the results he wanted. “
“”Making these changes didn’t feel like a chore. I know I can keep going.” “

Jon Mueller, 45, was living with type 2 diabetes and wanted to start changing his lifestyle. Once he discovered MoreLife’s Digital Weight Management Programme, he realised what he was capable of.

Jon’s diabetic nurse noticed his blood sugar and cholesterol levels were elevated. He was offered support from an NHSE Digital Weight Management Programme, offering different courses, and he chose MoreLife’s, Managing My Weight.

His goal was to lower his blood sugar and cholesterol levels and to start losing weight. Before he started the online course, Jon’s BMI was 39.2.

The Managing My Weight programme had weekly topics, with each one exploring a different area of a healthy lifestyle. Subjects included: physical activity, the importance of sleep, and helping clients understand their relationship with food.

Jon found the content helpful and informative. He particularly liked the short videos, which were unlocked weekly, as they were easy to fit around his busy lifestyle.

“The programme kept me interested from week to week. I learned lots of new things, but it also reinforced what I already knew. I found the course very engaging. I also appreciated the nudges to let me know when new sessions were available, they helped keep me on track.”

One of the biggest changes Jon made was reducing his alcohol consumption. This led to other lifestyle changes, such as reducing snacking and takeaways. He also made swaps in his everyday meals. For instance, breakfast became a bowl of porridge as opposed to jam on toast.


Jon explained how his mindset helped him progress through the course. “Making these changes didn’t feel like a chore. They’ve come from a positive place. I know I can keep going.”

During his time with MoreLife, Jon lost 17.7 kg. He made significant improvements to his blood glucose and cholesterol levels. He also avoided going onto statins by making diet and lifestyle changes.

Sarah, his practitioner, described this as an incredible achievement. She said, “Jon was a superstar. Motivated and dedicated to his goals, he made successful changes which ultimately brought about the results he wanted.

“Overall, Jon showed real determination and commitment throughout the programme and is proof of the success that can be achieved with the Digital Weight Management Programme if you apply yourself.”

Jon is keen to continue making sustainable changes to his lifestyle. His next goal is to get more active.

During his time with MoreLife, Jon’s BMI lowered to 33.5. He’s going to join a gym and is excited to continue his weight-loss journey.

Jon: before

Jon: after