Weight Management

Expert Case Review

77 from Thurrock
“”MoreLife made me feel stronger””
“”Attending MoreLife is the best thing I’ve ever done””

Christine, 77, from Thurrock, spent 50 years unaware she had a genetic illness that could impact her weight. After understanding and accepting her double diagnosis, Christine found MoreLife. The team helped her make the changes she always wanted to.

Growing up, I was very athletic. I swam in school competitions, I won trophies in lots of different sports. I knew what a healthy lifestyle was like, but when I was 20, my battle with weight began. I had tried so many different diets over the years because I wanted to make changes, but I found it very difficult.

I was diagnosed with severe bi-lateral lymphoedema and later, lipoedema. I followed the hospital’s advice and after intensive compression treatment, I learnt to walk again and had lost some weight. I then decided to use MoreLife to continue my weight loss journey.

It was such a learning process for me. There were times my weight increased, despite my healthy eating, because my conditions were difficult to control. Especially the lipoedema. During my weight loss journey, I began to understand and accept my conditions. It was very important that I kept telling myself I was doing the best I could.

I really want to urge other people who have similar conditions to not give up. You can still make changes. Your mindset can make a huge difference.

Attending MoreLife is the best thing I’ve ever done. The team helped me believe in myself. The support I received was second to none. I owe the staff so much; their support and knowledge has been a vital factor in my success. They gave me strength through rough times in the past few years, I’m so grateful to them.


I’ve lost over 5 stone in total. It was a slow, sustainable, process. I started to understand and challenge my lack of self-belief. At MoreLife I began to forgive myself. I felt like I could talk with others in a private safe space and ask questions whenever I needed to. MoreLife made me feel stronger.

The psychological aspect of MoreLife was extremely therapeutic, although hard in places. It helped me realise all the influences on my eating, such as environmental and social challenges. Being in my 70’s, there were so many new food changes I made. The biggest of which was portion sizes.

I also started to get more active. I’m physically limited but I was able to walk more, do gardening, housework, and armchair exercises.

My experience with MoreLife was incomparable to anything I’d tried in the past. It’s not competitive, it’s non-judgmental, it’s confidential within groups and the prize is learning to have pride in yourself. I knew I could, and would, do it.

I try to take each day as it comes. Some days are harder than others, but I know I’m eating the best that I possibly can. The idea of ‘treats’ does not exist in my head, I don’t need a medal I just know I can do it and live a longer, healthier life.

During her time on the programme, Christine lost over 5 stone. She now wants to raise awareness for lymphoedema and lipoedema to help others live healthy lifestyles.

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Christine: before

Christine: after