Weight Management

Expert Case Review

Bedford and Milton Keynes
“My whole family has benefitted from the MoreLife programme”
“I am not on a diet, I am just in control of what I eat”

Abbey justified the amount of food she was eating because of the exercise she would do, expecting the burn the calories she was putting in. Eating 3 large Danish pastries for breakfast, and then maybe having another one.

“I would convince myself that it was OK”

In addition to this she was having a difficult time at work,

“I would drink a couple of cocktails, the real syrupy, sugary ones, to ease that stress. I had made it to the end of the week, I deserved it right?!”

She was also putting on weight because of the Menopause.

Abbey recognised she needed to change and face up to her behaviours, her clothes weren’t fitting her anymore, her knees were starting to hurt from carrying the additional weight and she struggled to walk the dogs. She thought about all the diets she had done previously, the years of yo-yo dieting.

“Low-carb diets worked for a few months, but I missed bread. I couldn’t walk past a bakery without being tempted by the smell.”

When Abbey first started MoreLife she was unsure what to expect. However after just a couple of session, she noticed her attitude towards food started to change.

“It was slow, but I very soon became that annoying person in the supermarket who stopped at every shelf to read the food labels. I started weighing food, and started to save money too as I wasn’t buying as much food.”

“I made simple swaps, I swapped butter for margarine, pasties for overnight oats.”

“I haven’t stopped eating foods like pizza, burger and chips, I just watch my portion sizes, that way I don’t feel like I am missing out on anything.”

Abbey said her whole family has benefitted from the MoreLife programme.

“My two sons lost weight too because we embraced the changes as a family.”

Abbey said:

“Losing 2 Stone in just 14 weeks has been amazing, but my change in attitude has rippled out into other areas of my life. I am happier, healthier and more content.”

“I am not on a diet, I am just in control of what I eat”

Abbey: before

Abbey: after