Morelife in West & South Essex

Our Specialist Tier 3 Adult Weight Management Service in South and West Essex supports you to achieve a healthier weight and improve your overall well-being. 

Our psychologically informed programme covers topics such as mindful eating and self-care but also provides practical support on increasing physical activity, a balanced diet and food labelling.

We aim to empower you to lead a happy and healthy life by embedding positive lifestyle habits that fit in with your day-to-day life. 

Louise's Story

Before joining MoreLife Louise felt stuck in her habits and needed motivation to make changes to her lifestyle. 

Louise was referred to MoreLife by her local GP, she felt welcomed by her group and enjoyed being around like-minded people. 

Louise successfully lost 4st 9lbs on the MoreLife programme.

“The programme has given me the tools to make my day-to-day life easier “

We’ll help you better understand your relationship with food and provide you with the knowledge and support you need.

Weekly sessions last for 90 minutes and focus on topics such as: 

  • Mindful eating 
  • Self-care and stress management
  • Emotional and social eating 
  • Understanding food labels 
  • Introducing physical activity
You’ll have a dedicated weight management practitioners to support you on your journey.

Chris' Story

Chris Before
Chris After

Before starting MoreLife Chris weighed 18.2 stone and was living with diabetes.

He struggled for many years to lose weight and keep the weight off.

Our programme provided Chris with the knowledge and tools he needed to make changes to his lifestyle. He particularly benefitted from the nutrition advice; learning how to read food labels, reduce his portion sizes and swap snacks for healthier alternatives.

"I am so grateful to the MoreLife Team and programme. It's been a remarkable success story for me. MoreLife gave me the motivation I needed."

Our programmes are FREE for adults living in South and West Essex or registered with a local GP and meet the following criteria:

  • Have a BMI of 40Kg/m² or above
  • Have a BMI of 35Kg/m² or above and co-morbidities (e.g. Type 2 Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, Hypertension, Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, Infertility and Depression if specialist advice is needed regarding overall patient management)
  • Have a of 32Kg/m² or above, Type 2 Diabetes, and of Asian Descent
If you meet the above criteria and would like to refer yourself, please complete the form below:

For Health Professionals

Patients must meet the eligibility criteria listed above.

For more information about our services 

Call: 0800 038 9050


If you have a patient who would benefit from our services, please complete our referral form below: 

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